PDC is active in many fields of construction Industry of various scales, working in national and international contexts.

In these years the office has been designing public and  private buildings, transformations of urban areas, conversions of existing buildings and public spaces.

The practice is based on an efficient organizational structure through the use of technical and operational excellence resources. It is divided in three main areas: administrative, commercial and technical.

The administrative area has responsibility for the economic and financial management of the company and  coordinates the activities of the following functions: staff,  general ledger, secretary/logistics.

The commercial area researches new market opportunities for the company, gains orders, considers requests for  bid by customers and prepares its estimates, defines con-  tracts and prepares budget.

The working method, starting from the research, the investigation of the intervention area and sociological and  cultural aspects, proposing solutions tailored to programs  and places.

Currently PDC is working on some real estate developments In Lahore and other cities.

In particular the office is planning a large-scale multipurpose interventions with services, commercial and residential functions.

Our Mission


PAVILION projects are defined by an holistic approach allowing for enough flexibility to accommodate changes over the lifespan of a city, in order to meet market demands. The practicalities and concept of a space should  be inherently flexible in order to respond to changes. A  concept that incorporates a high level of standardized  design will facilitate change.


The practice endevours to employ technologies that  sustain rather than pollute, that are durable rather than  replaceable, and that add value over time rather than  falling prey to short term economies. Our main purpose is  to integrate low energy design within the urban environment, to design buildings to optimize passive solar energy,  natural ventilation and daylight.


PDC is an architectural group based  in Lahore, working on a range of different projects from  more than five years. In the practice exchange philosophy is employed at every level, to enable design and  management leaders to collaborate and contribute their  individual expertise.